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The 8 rules of social media optimisation show the best features to adopt for effective optimisation of your social media platforms. What is social media optimisation? It is the process of optimising your social sites to gain more online visibility in social media searches on search engines. According to Wikipedia, it is the use of several online outlets and communities to generate awareness that boosts the recognition of a brand’s products, services or events using the different types of social media platforms such as social news, social network sites, bookmarking sites, blogging sites and lot more. It is used to strategically develop engaging online contents that attract, retain and encourage users to engage with the social sites.

Here are the 8 Rules of Social Media Optimisation

  1. Know Your Target Audience: Knowing your target audience helps to effectively optimise your social media platforms. Research shows that more than 85% of content published are strongly linked to the interest of the target audience.
  2. Create Engaging Content: Creating engaging content in form of images or videos can boost the activity that comes to your platform and also generate web traffic to keep the website proactive. Engaging contents keep the social media platforms properly optimised and boost brand awareness. Create content that is worth discussing.
  3. Create Shareable Content: Create contents that people can relate to and willingly share on your behalf using different methods or use of your content as a point of reference. Shareable contents increase publicity and web traffic. Endeavour to make your content easily sharable to boost people’s interest to share your content. Encourage your users to share your content and also proactively share content from others with proper referencing.
  4. Create Consistent Social Media Content Calendar: Develop a strategic content calendar to keep your content organised, entertaining and meaningful. With a strategic content calendar, you can prepare optimised content ahead and schedule them without being stranded for content to make use of.
  5. Reward Active Users Engagement: Take cognisance of your active users and reward them at intervals with incentives for their consistent participation with your social accounts for this would generate an increase in your social content engagement with other users.
    8 Rules of social media optimisation
  6. Encourage the ‘Mashup’: Encouraging people to take and remix your content for their use is a major way to optimise your social web content. This would drive more traffic to your social pages and also your website and make your pages rank among most search social pages online.
  7. Use Inbound Links: Use inbound links when developing a blog post or pages for your social sites. Make the inbound link visible to the user as this could make your content travel far and near. It increases the volume of traffic that your social site receives and visibility as well.
  8. Make Use of Tagging: Use the tagging mechanism to optimise your social site. This feature brings new and returning users to your pages. Tagging alert non-users to check your page thereby increasing web traffic. It also instigates existing users to return and actively engage with your social site.

Social media optimisation (SMO) can be likened to the SEO of social media sites and adopting the 8 rules of social media optimisation can make your social platforms perform better. Contact Da-Manager, If you are looking for social media optimisation experts to alleviate your business in social media platforms.


This article was originally published in 5 October 2021. It was most recently updated in November 25, 2022 by Wise

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