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Organic and owned social media performance is at an all-time low, and marketers are getting more focused on paid social media. When these 3 come together, it is known as a social media trifecta. As a social media marketer, you need to constantly listen across all channels and optimizing all intersections of owned, earned, and paid to get their content seen, expand reach, and survive in the social scene.
Tracx shares their guide to a complete social media strategy in this infographic.

Here’s a summary of what they focus on to improve your marketing strategy:

Comparing owned, earned and paid social media
Where all 3 trifectas meet
5 ways to use the social trifecta

Check out the infographic for more detail.

Guide To A Complete Social Media Strategy


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This article was originally published in 31 July 2018. It was most recently updated in November 25, 2022 by

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